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Silvia Salvarani

A life dedicated to the well being of the people through yoga and meditation. After a degree in Physical Education, Silvia Salvarani started practicing yoga in 1980 and is one of the most accredited Italian teachers of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga.

Her passion and deep dedication to yoga led her to deepen other aspects of this discipline, practice of the Five Tibetans - the ritual of eternal youth, use of singing bowls for healing and the awakening of the inner consciousness with meditation. Silvia brings her experience to group classes or individual lessons and collaborates with various Italian centers on courses and seminars. Silvia believes in sharing experience and dissemination of yogic knowledge, and since 2001 she is producing video books dedicated to the deepening of the techniques believed to be essential for daily practice as "The Five Tibetans", "The Sun Greeting" "Empower Yoga" or "Yoga for a year." These are the tools that give the opportunity to everybody to work on their practice that leads to knowledge of the self and harmony. Silvia teaches: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Power Yoga, The Five Tibetans

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